Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-25 03:13:13 +00:00
Change VID/PID for Zinc ( #11681 )
2021-01-25 14:13:10 +11:00
Loïc Wisniewski
Fix midi for CRKBD ( #11644 )
Co-authored-by: BuildTools <unconfigured@null.spigotmc.org>
2021-01-25 14:12:28 +11:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-24 21:55:02 +00:00
Takeshi Nishio
Add jones v.0.3 and v.0.3.1 keyboard ( #11130 )
* Update LEDの物理的接続とQMKのソフト的接続を調整し、左→アンダーグロー→右と繋がるようにした。
* Update レイヤーインジケータ関連変数を、#ifdefブロック内へ移動。
* Update コード整形
* Revert "Update コード整形"
This reverts commit c98483d9a0b41f8939a01b677cdcd18a8af34f78.
* Update 未使用のキーコード、S_SLSHに関連するコードを削除。
* Update コード整形
* Update キーごとのTappingTerm設定を使用しなくなったため、削除。
* Update 未使用コード削除。
* Update コメント追加
* Update レイヤーとIMEのON/OFFを同じキーに割り当てるのをやめたため、関連コードを削除。
* Update コメント追加
* Update コメント
* Update 誤読を避けるため、ifブロックの表記を括弧を使用したものへ変更。動作に変化なし。
* Update 未使用のため削除。
* Update LED関連でデフォルトレイヤーを格納して使用しないため、削除。
* Update コメント
* Update レイヤーによってロータリーエンコーダの動作を変える機能を追加。
* Update comment
* Update 実態に合わせて修正。
* Update JP用キーコードへの書き換え忘れを修正。
* New v.0.3.1 JP style
* Update v.0.3のJPスタイルではオーディオサポートなし。
* Update to latest information
* New
* New keyboard "stmeishi"
* Update layout name
* Update move common settings from keymap's "rules.mk" to keyboard's "rules.mk".
* Update: Move common settings from keymap's "rules.mk" to keyboard's "rules.mk".
* Update: Add "LAYOUT_all" for multiple layout.
* Update target to latest "v.0.3.1".
* Remove unused item.
* Update comments.
* Update Rotary Encoder pins to actual used count.
* Update increase value to maximum.
* Update comments.
* Change default Effects.
* Remove unused items.
* Update comment.
* Change: Use define and function insted of real value for wait.
* Update copyrght.
* Update Update: Add "LAYOUT_all" for multiple layout.
* New: Place info.json copied from v.0.3.1.
* Remove unused items.
* Update: Add comma at last element.
* Update comments.
* Update: change if block style.
* Update: Change Japanese comments to English.
* Update: Change layout name.
* Update: Change layout name.
* Update: Fix miss numbering for ANSI layout.
* Update: Move "Tap Dance" rule to keymap's rule.
* New: Add default keymap.
* Delete: Moving files to branch.
* Initial: Add files from local.
* Remove local only unused keymaps.
* Update: Remove unused, comment outed codes.
* Add default keymap for v.0.3.
* Update: Add custom keycodes.
* Update: Change layer handling from process_record_user to layer_state_set_user.
* Update comment.
* Update: Remove unused function.
* Add my ErgoDash settings.
* Add my NumAtreus_Plus8 settings.
* Add my test_k15r2 settings.
* New Colice片手分動作確認済み
* Update スプリットキーボード対応
* Update 反応が悪くずっと二度押ししているので、ESCキーをレイヤーキーとの共用から、単独機能に変更。
* Update 右手スイッチ配置変更。インジケータLED対応。
* Change インジケータLEDが眩しいので、明るさを下げた。
* Change 右手親指のキーマップ変更。
* Change NumLockの誤爆防止のため、二度押しでレイヤートグルするようにした。
* Change 左手側、Bの右側のキーを誤爆することが多く日本語入力が途切れるため、レイヤーキーの機能左右で入れ替え。
* Update 右手側、画像ソフトなどで使うため、矢印キーの左をレイヤーキーからCTRLへ変更。
* New add new keyboard
* Update Duplex-Matrixが動作した初版
* New Duplex-Matrixのサンプルコード by e3w2q を最新のQMKファームウェアで動作するよう一部修正したもの。
* update Comment-out debug print code.
* Update Colice V0.2 キープレートで矢印キー付近の物理配列が変わったことへ対応
* Update キーレイアウト
* New Initial commit
* Update Fix migrate errors from test_duplex_dp to test_col2col
* Remove unnecessary files
* Testing
* Update IKeJIさんの方法(とりあえずCOL2COLと呼ぶ)の動作テストOK
* New 2乗マトリクス配線のキーボードを追加
* Update キーレイアウト調整
* New colice_rr 初回コミット。基本動作確認OK。LED不調。
* Update Eable LED, Reduce firmwre size
* Update colice_rr キーマップ調整。
* Update colice_rr ロータリーエンコーダ機能追加。
* Move colice_rr を colice_rr_split へ移動。
* Update colice_rr_splitフォルダへ移動したことに対応。
* New colice_rr_splitの初回コミット。
* Update キーマップ調整
* Update キーマップ調整
* New initial comit
* Update 意図せずカッコを入力することがるため、LSPO、RSPCの使用を中止。
* Change Fnキー押下時の日本語入力ONを、長押し時にキャンセルするように変更。
* Change LED点灯方法変更。
* Change 基板バージョンごとにサブフォルダを作成するようにした。
* Update Windows用レイヤーを追加
* Update LED設定を調整
* New Jones v.0.2を新規追加
* Update Numレイヤー追加。キーマップ調整。レイヤーインジケータLED調整。
* Update 左手Yをやめる
* Update ESCによるNumレイヤートグルを、ESC連打でトグルするのを防止するため、ダブルタップからトリプルタップへ変更。
* Update readme
* Update QMKの標準に従うよう各ファイルの内容を変更。
* Update 長音(ー)を入力しやすくするため、レイヤー上でホームポジションに近い位置に配置。
* Update タップダンスの状態判別を、Single,Double,Triple,Holdの4つのステータスにまとめた。
* Update キーボードの電源が切れてもデフォルトレイヤーの状態を保存しておくため、MACとWINレイヤーへの変更はEEPROMへ書き込むようにした。
* Update 不要箇所削除
* Update キーマップをNarrowとWideで書き換えるのが不便なので、分割した。
* Update 最新のPCBに合わせ、デフォルトをv.0.2に変更。
* New v.0.3を新規追加
* Update キーマトリクスに後からJPを追加するため、ANSI用に表記変更。
* Update ANSI用のキーマップであることを明記。
* New JP用キーマップを新規追加。
* Update スイッチの物理的存在、Enter右側はキー1個、に合わせて、ANSIレイアウトを修正。
* New FA (Full Armor)用レイアウトを新規追加
* Update 物理的ロック付きのCAPSは使用しないため、無効化。
* Update ハードウェアのサポート対象にキープレートを追加。
* Update FAで使用するAudio、RotaryEncoderの機能追加。機能削減でファームウェアサイズ縮小。
* Update オーディオ機能にキークリックを追加。
* update FA用設定
* Update 右シフトにキー追加
* Update 変換キー調整
* New オーディを有効化。マウスキーはサイズ削減のため無効化。
* Update スイッチ配置ミス修正。
* Update ピン定義を、ロータリーエンコーダの回転方向に合わせた
* Update 2音同時発音用にピン定義を追加。
* Update ファームサイズに空きがあるので、クリッキー音をデフォルトで利用できるようにした。
* Update LED設定変更
* New 物理配列がJPで、中身はUS配列のキーマップを追加。
* Update 行と列が入り乱れたレイアウトのため、音階が正しくなるように、Music-Mode用のキーマップを定義。
* Change マイナーバージョンの表記に対応できるよう、DEVICE_VERの桁を1つ上げた。
* Update オルソ+ロースタガであることがわかるように、キーボードの簡単な説明を変更。
* New v.0.3.1の初期コミット
* Update 左右で回転方向の判定が逆になるので、右手側を左手に合わせた。
* Update キーマップ調整
* Update LEDインジケータを、v.0.3系と同じ点灯方法(2個をベースレイヤ、1個をRAISEなど)に変更。
* Update RGBLIGHT明るさ調整、エフェクト追加。
* Update 未使用キー設定を削除。
* Update Shiftと組み合わせた/?キーの反応を良くするため、キーごとにTAPPING_TERMを指定できるようにした。
* Update LEDエフェクト追加
* Update keymap
* Update 未使用のものを削除
* Update LEDの物理的接続とQMKのソフト的接続を調整し、左→アンダーグロー→右と繋がるようにした。
* Update レイヤーインジケータ関連変数を、#ifdefブロック内へ移動。
* Update コード整形
* Revert "Update コード整形"
This reverts commit c98483d9a0b41f8939a01b677cdcd18a8af34f78.
* Update 未使用のキーコード、S_SLSHに関連するコードを削除。
* Update コード整形
* Update キーごとのTappingTerm設定を使用しなくなったため、削除。
* Update 未使用コード削除。
* Update コメント追加
* Update レイヤーとIMEのON/OFFを同じキーに割り当てるのをやめたため、関連コードを削除。
* Update コメント追加
* Update コメント
* Update 誤読を避けるため、ifブロックの表記を括弧を使用したものへ変更。動作に変化なし。
* Update 未使用のため削除。
* Update LED関連でデフォルトレイヤーを格納して使用しないため、削除。
* Update コメント
* Update レイヤーによってロータリーエンコーダの動作を変える機能を追加。
* Update comment
* Update 実態に合わせて修正。
* Update JP用キーコードへの書き換え忘れを修正。
* New v.0.3.1 JP style
* Update v.0.3のJPスタイルではオーディオサポートなし。
* Update to latest information
* New
* New keyboard "stmeishi"
* Update layout name
* Update move common settings from keymap's "rules.mk" to keyboard's "rules.mk".
* Update: Move common settings from keymap's "rules.mk" to keyboard's "rules.mk".
* Update: Add "LAYOUT_all" for multiple layout.
* Update target to latest "v.0.3.1".
* Remove unused item.
* Update comments.
* Update Rotary Encoder pins to actual used count.
* Update increase value to maximum.
* Update comments.
* Change default Effects.
* Remove unused items.
* Update comment.
* Change: Use define and function insted of real value for wait.
* Update copyrght.
* Update Update: Add "LAYOUT_all" for multiple layout.
* New: Place info.json copied from v.0.3.1.
* Remove unused items.
* Update: Add comma at last element.
* Update comments.
* Update: change if block style.
* Update: Change Japanese comments to English.
* Update: Change layout name.
* Update: Change layout name.
* Update: Fix miss numbering for ANSI layout.
* Update: Move "Tap Dance" rule to keymap's rule.
* New: Add default keymap.
* Delete: Moving files to branch.
* Initial: Add files from local.
* Remove local only unused keymaps.
* Update: Remove unused, comment outed codes.
* Add default keymap for v.0.3.
* Update: Add custom keycodes.
* Update: Change layer handling from process_record_user to layer_state_set_user.
* Update comment.
* Update: Remove unused function.
* Revert "Remove: Non related files."
This reverts commit 82306568fad408427c757de832025dee91ca5a7f.
* Update: To resolve "submodule path not found" message.
* RemoRemove: Non related files.
* Revert file before miss comit.
* Update: Remove unused keycode.
* Update: レイアウト設定内のNUMレイヤへのトグルを、カスタムキーコード表記に変更。
* Update: Comment
* Update: Remove unused items.
* Update layout settings.
* Update: For simplicity, change toggle ADJUST layer method from process_record_user() to layer_state_set_user().
* Update: comment and styling.
* Update: Remove unused custom keycodes.
* Update: For simplicity, change toggle layer method from process_record_user() to layer_state_set_user().
* Update: Remove unused items.
* Update: comment and styling.
* Update: Correct comment.
* Update description and flashing example.
* Update: Remove comment-outed bootloaders.
* Update comments.
* Update: Correct LED count, without under-glow.
* Update: Chenged to common values with v.0.3.1.
* Update: Changed to common values with v.0.3.
* Updarte: Remove unused layout.
* Update: Change default layout to "ALL".
* Update comment.
* Update comment.
* Add missing file.
* Update: Change build option definition style.
* Update: Change build option definition style.
* Update: Change CUSTOM_MATRIX to "lite" and convert "matrix.c" to "lite" version.
* Update: Move "music_map" to keyboard's c file.
To provide common definition for other keymap creator.
* Update: Change keyboard name "v.0.3.1" ---> "v03_1".
For human readability, version name "v.0.3.1" remains at title on "readme.md".
* Update: Change keyboard name "v.0.3" ---> "v03".
For human readability, version name "v.0.3" remains at title on "readme.md".
* Update: Correct matrix definition at "k92".
* Apply suggestions from code review
Remove unnecessary comment block.
* Apply suggestions from code review
Remove "Optional" deprecated items.
* Apply suggestions from code review
Change "make" target keymap to standard default.
* Apply suggestions from code review
These features are not enabled.
* Apply suggestions from code review
Convert tabs to spaces.
* Update: Change #define ROW_SHIFTER to keyboard specific.
2021-01-24 13:54:29 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-24 15:47:08 +00:00
Mohammad Juma
[Keymap] addition for mjuma in keyboards/planck/keymaps ( #10885 )
* Add planck layout
* switch gaming toggle to TG
* rename readme
2021-01-24 07:46:37 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-24 15:04:16 +00:00
Vinam Arora
Increased dynamic keymap layers in via keymap ( #11575 )
2021-01-24 15:03:34 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-24 14:57:58 +00:00
Fix preonic layout documentation ( #11655 )
* [Apple M5120] First iteration
* Cleaned apple_m5120 files
* Changes requested by PR
* Update keyboards/apple_m5120/iso/rules.mk
Co-authored-by: Ryan <fauxpark@gmail.com>
* Update keyboards/apple_m5120/iso/keymaps/default/keymap.c
Co-authored-by: Ryan <fauxpark@gmail.com>
* Updated Preonic default layout doc
* Removed non related files
Co-authored-by: dbroqua <dbroqua@mousur.org>
Co-authored-by: Ryan <fauxpark@gmail.com>
2021-01-24 14:57:22 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-24 14:52:27 +00:00
Add VIA support for dm9records/tartan ( #11666 )
2021-01-24 14:52:11 +00:00
David H. Bronke
fix(feature_ps2_mouse): fix Scroll Button example ( #11669 )
Corrected macro in Scroll Button example so it compiles.
2021-01-24 14:51:25 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-24 06:15:47 +00:00
Takeshi ISHII
Update docs/getting_started_make_guide.md ( #11373 )
* update docs/getting_started_make_guide.md
Added description of some targets, including those added with #11338 .
* Added description of options added by #11324 .
* update docs/getting_started_make_guide.md
* Added description of target.
* Update docs/getting_started_make_guide.md
Co-authored-by: Drashna Jaelre <drashna@live.com>
* Update docs/getting_started_make_guide.md
Co-authored-by: Ryan <fauxpark@gmail.com>
* Update docs/getting_started_make_guide.md
Co-authored-by: Drashna Jaelre <drashna@live.com>
* add ':id=linux-udev-rules' to docs/faq_build.md
Co-authored-by: Drashna Jaelre <drashna@live.com>
Co-authored-by: Ryan <fauxpark@gmail.com>
2021-01-24 15:15:11 +09:00
Remove duplicated housekeeping in arm_atsam ( #11672 )
2021-01-24 12:55:43 +11:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-24 00:16:50 +00:00
Fix number RGB RART4x4 dan matrix pin RART45 ( #11582 )
* Update config.h
* Update config.h
2021-01-23 16:16:24 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-24 00:00:06 +00:00
David Dejaeghere
[Keyboard] adding support for new keyboard Dawn ( #11564 )
* initial commit Dawn keyboard
* fixing some matrix
* final tweaks to keymaps and info.json layout
* fix info.json missing delimiter
* missing elements in info.json layout, resolved through lint
* fixed missing link image in readme
* Update keyboards/mechstudio/dawn/readme.md
Co-authored-by: Ryan <fauxpark@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: David <david@tarpit.be>
Co-authored-by: Ryan <fauxpark@gmail.com>
2021-01-23 15:59:15 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-23 21:42:03 +00:00
Fix typos and reword some sentences in FAQs ( #11546 )
* Fix minor typo in "General FAQ"
"want to do brand it with QMK" -> "want to brand it with QMK"
* Reword some of "Debugging FAQ" & "Miscellaneous FAQ".
Mostly grammatical wording of some parts and missing capitalization
2021-01-23 13:41:29 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-23 17:32:40 +00:00
Kyle McCreery
[Keymap] Adding Fancy and Bongocat Keymap to Mercutio Keyboard ( #11520 )
* Initial commit on new clean branch. Testing out functionality of oled and encoder for default features.
* Cleaned up the initial push and removed the fancy keymap until the extra features and functionality can be tested and made more user friendly.
* Cleaned up the readme some more, compiled and tested both default and via keymaps, and did another round of checks to prepare for starting the PR.
* Cleaning up the keymap to meet expected formatting in a couple places and also adding in the TAP_CODE_DELAY after newly encoutnered encoder issues and inconsistencies.
* Initial commit of branch specifically for implementing the more complicated fancy keymap as I expect the main PR to be approved first.
* testing bongo cat out
* Progress with intended OLED behavior. Needs to be cleaned up still.
* Cleaned up bongocat and added WPM display on it.
* Almost there. Need to rethink the layer checking in encoder.
* Fixing all the merge issues I didn't check before doing the last commit. Learn from my mistakes, check your commits.
* Fixed and updated fancy firmware and bongocat firmware.
* Updating license year since I will be doing a PR anyway.
* Update keyboards/mechwild/mercutio/keymaps/fancy/keymap.c
Co-authored-by: Ryan <fauxpark@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ryan <fauxpark@gmail.com>
2021-01-23 09:32:10 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-23 03:24:06 +00:00
Infinity60 refactor ( #11650 )
2021-01-23 14:23:38 +11:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-23 02:03:09 +00:00
James Young
Program Yoink! refactor ( #11636 )
* split config.h for each variant
* split rules.mk for each variant
* split source and header files for each variant
* move keymaps to the appropriate variant
* update keyboard readme
* update keymap readmes
* differentiate Staggered and Ortho USB Device Strings
* clean up formatting in info.json
* split info.json files for each variant
* break up the info.json for readability
* correct key positioning and board dimensions
* correct key object sequences
* add weak encoder function to keyboard level
Allows Configurator-compiled firmware to have encoder functionality.
* add variant-specific readme files and bootloader instructions
2021-01-22 18:02:40 -08:00
Joel Challis
Remove QMK_KEYBOARD_CONFIG_H ( #11576 )
2021-01-22 19:32:10 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-22 17:11:22 +00:00
James Young
Move Backslash/ISO Hash key to home row for Uni660 rev2 ISO ( #11657 )
* Move Backslash/ISO Hash key to home row for Uni660 rev2 ISO
* update readme formatting
2021-01-22 09:10:52 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-22 16:49:05 +00:00
Woodpad refactor ( #11651 )
2021-01-23 03:48:27 +11:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-22 16:38:26 +00:00
James Young
[Keyboard] Pinky refactor ( #11643 )
* QMK Configurator layout support for Pinky
3-row and 4-row versions
* refactor default keymaps
- use an enum for layer names
- remove redundant definitions
- qmk cformat pass
- modify pinky/4 via keymap to mirror pinky/4 default functionality
* remove LAYOUT_kc macros
This usage is not endorsed by QMK as it has been found to be confusing to novice users.
* add VIA support to pinky/3
* update config.h files
Removes unnecessary definitions for Backlight, RGB Underglow, Magic config and MIDI.
* update main rules.mk file
Updates the rules.mk file to match the formatting of the current QMK-provided template. Removes sample bootloader comments, feature rules that are no longer included in the template, and updates the in-line comments.
* update and split keyboard readme
Updates the main readme file's formatting, adds instructions to access bootloader mode, and adds more specific readmes for each version.
* add line breaks between rows in the info.json files
* rename layout macros for Community Layout forward compatibility
The layouts of the Pinky3 and Pinky4 aren't currently Community Layouts, but support for them could be added with a rules.mk edit should the layouts be added to QMK.
2021-01-22 08:37:36 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-22 16:32:28 +00:00
Eithan Shavit
[Keymap] Breeze keymap eithanshavit ( #11640 )
Co-authored-by: Eithan Shavit <eithan@fb.com>
2021-01-22 08:31:53 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-22 16:23:41 +00:00
[Keymap] Cleanup and updating of drashna keymap code ( #11516 )
* Update other keyboards for rgb matrix changes
* Remove customized bootmagic code
* Fix corne layout compilation error
* Fix compiler errors with all keymaps
* Add Simple Visualizer for ergodox infinity
* Fix compile issue with Corne
* Fix keymap stuff
* Add alias for mouse layer
* Add Halmak Keyboard layout
* Updates for Kyria
* Add support for oled interval
* Change RGB stuff
[CHANGE] Fix coexistence issues
* Fix rgb_stuff
* Add custom ploopyco mouse keymap
* Decrease default dwell time
* Updates based on last breaking changes update
* Disable command on dactyl
* Update ergodox to use proper commands for rgb matrix indicators
* Update all rgb matrix indicator functions
* Update rules for dactyl-manuform
* Reduce wait time for mouse layer off event
* Add more info to logger
* Add wrappers for get_tapping term
* Move version.h include into only file that actually needs it
* Update rgb sleep stuff
* Update key print function
* Change DM keymap settings
* Change pin for DM Manuform
* Add Proton C stuff for Corne keymap
* more arm corne tinkering
* Even more arm stuff for corne
* Cleanup corne stuff
* redirect default keymap to drashna
because I am a very bad man
* change corne rgb priority
* Update tractyl manuform to not conflict
* Add more secret stuff
* more dactyl tweaks
* Add more options to split transport
* Changes of oled support
* Change split settings
* Improve keylogger formatting more
* tweak oled stuff
* Oled and such tweaks
* Reduce brightness due to leds
* Decrease brightness more
* Only run layer code if master
2021-01-22 08:23:03 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-22 02:27:36 +00:00
James Young
Isometria 75: Configurator/CLI fixes ( #11612 )
* info.json: human-friendly formatting
* info.json: update key object labels
Some of the characters in the original file don't play nicely with `qmk info -l` on Windows.
* info.json: correct key object order
2021-01-21 18:27:05 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-21 22:23:58 +00:00
Add 3rd encoder to VIA keymap ( #11580 )
2021-01-21 17:23:27 -05:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-21 21:05:55 +00:00
Remove rules.mk in leafcutterlabs/bigknob:default ( #11652 )
2021-01-21 21:05:19 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
2021-01-21 15:35:05 +00:00
update CI list about helix keyboards
* exclude 'helix/rev3_4rows' from CI
Since helix/rev3_4rows is almost the same as helix/rev3_5rows, there is no point in checking with travis-ci.
* include 'helix/pico/back' to CI
helix pico and helix rev2 are still available. I would like to check both by travis-ci, but here I will add a check only for helix pico.
2021-01-21 07:34:00 -08:00
Nick Brassel
Keep track of encoder activity ( #11595 )
* Keep track of encoder activity, provide API for either matrix/encoder.
* Fixup build when no RGBLIGHT or Backlight enabled.
2021-01-21 22:24:07 +11:00
Nick Brassel
ChibiOS conf migrations... take 11 ( #11646 )
* Allow forcing re-migration.
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for acheron/arctic
acheron/arctic - 2aedbe9103fff6c37e596c33c9ed337957647368
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for acheron/austin
acheron/austin - c2f4e3b7fc9f1c3d64f47d139bc58367afeca1b7
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for acheron/keebspcb
acheron/keebspcb - 1ba976e409732bfa5c0487dd33e20bec06852ce4
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for acheron/lasgweloth
acheron/lasgweloth - 01a2e70d0d86de0ff05d0b898a6e3b4428ee1581
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for aeboards/ext65/rev2
aeboards/ext65/rev2 - 3c9a45cafb4ed6d9672aaff4548b105193633a87
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for ai03/vega
ai03/vega - 1bd0dfccb99baa69bacd2d55f2bfa72019b8bf80
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for akegata_denki/device_one
akegata_denki/device_one - a013823188660f5fca37c5763f160f8646aed7a7
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for at_at/660m
at_at/660m - 9999583e8bec2772046132a22818482d24e18c84
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for box75
box75 - 1126206109a942237eea96f3a9608e3c9ed55f8e
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for bt66tech/bt66tech60
bt66tech/bt66tech60 - b69120638a8b2c86c008fd0592be918383d8a454
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/an_c
cannonkeys/an_c - c755f6caaccbe2b30d95661a3d441b836534c29f
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/atlas
cannonkeys/atlas - 1a18c55492a834b82715516ea4cd4d3d94508743
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/chimera65
cannonkeys/chimera65 - 6bf226ef353da9106c381a8ac95a9b90529327e5
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/db60
cannonkeys/db60 - 07e3246f8e3adc5b6918809e6a5aa1ad064b9a09
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/devastatingtkl
cannonkeys/devastatingtkl - 907d258e29eb7e35b1f868c1ea6148bfd1e3a3f2
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/instant60
cannonkeys/instant60 - ac876ff6746b08839a3936dd4126b52683b763f4
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/instant65
cannonkeys/instant65 - 3b8c89ec5fecbdb35cccb00c45e64a798528dbda
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/iron165
cannonkeys/iron165 - 0814ec4067d9857b0134e38384f272cf7172fb03
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/obliterated75
cannonkeys/obliterated75 - 0f376e5d9a232c62e9c60f8fdc81d12732352ddc
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/onyx
cannonkeys/onyx - d35134ebe09046b91ab176035d3742d80b23ed8e
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/ortho48
cannonkeys/ortho48 - 828dbfbb013ff4fefe75044b3c9fd31fec5e95a1
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/ortho60
cannonkeys/ortho60 - 2aca4dd4234e0dac828f5fa15ae5b3bc3c0605dc
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/ortho75
cannonkeys/ortho75 - 4af8aaaded0ff53e9c01473f5968cc169f268647
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/practice60
cannonkeys/practice60 - e01df551d9483eeb3f825fcc453317fe65f674b5
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/practice65
cannonkeys/practice65 - 156163789d4c96cdd4787895788c1d02a2367f5c
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/rekt1800
cannonkeys/rekt1800 - 15882afb6373dea3e5f7ed13c19744ee2463f3bf
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/sagittarius
cannonkeys/sagittarius - f49fee611ffcc02cb3dc7f249fc8c83f136907b9
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/satisfaction75
cannonkeys/satisfaction75 - 2c9fbbea3a38820774f6ff436ef51017b545475a
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/savage65
cannonkeys/savage65 - ddd764be363c46f3e9b1a16151bd02d8f66b2dd4
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/tmov2
cannonkeys/tmov2 - 7af36cd2a42015838b77697624e90008ffa72778
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cannonkeys/tsukuyomi
cannonkeys/tsukuyomi - a120bea5dacb2cd6f143458cece46d2860ea196d
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cheshire/curiosity
cheshire/curiosity - 93d8fe3b7a8e028d4b015941ee71b50afe86bc8a
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for coarse/cordillera
coarse/cordillera - 7d986d3f534786f302cbf74a5e6b7e51ffe60093
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for converter/siemens_tastatur
converter/siemens_tastatur - 3f79f1467bbc56f284aceafd76ab5c6a1cbb68f4
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for cutie_club/borsdorf
cutie_club/borsdorf - f8c6015b7aacfd5edef4f22f719eea30660005e7
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for dekunukem/duckypad
dekunukem/duckypad - d9c162d0867d3925cca2e653a3a3870eac2d23d2
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for ebastler/isometria_75/rev1
ebastler/isometria_75/rev1 - 2ecdd00b8c6cc794a7014747185b88374d5766c0
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for ergodox_infinity
ergodox_infinity - 76736c701db22e890764481c25bd38badf32a1cf
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for ergodox_stm32
ergodox_stm32 - a7bdb0b7822617ca0f9d316a082874ac0fef5964
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for function96
function96 - 1b9e394a86dab24b85d160afe9281b5e7652afe2
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for geekboards/macropad_v2
geekboards/macropad_v2 - de261e46a42cc7b7ff793e26200669f94b1dbb18
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for generic_panda/panda65_01
generic_panda/panda65_01 - 592d2443033875e0309506aa8cb5212389054458
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/ck4x4
handwired/ck4x4 - 9d7d4af7f2d787afd638e976334cd37c490040d7
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/onekey/blackpill_f401
handwired/onekey/blackpill_f401 - c9257a30203b3a0e5aa18b35e07281fcd043ab5d
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/onekey/blackpill_f411
handwired/onekey/blackpill_f411 - dfccc2c6b245cfb561faba60c9f3fc7af8c3db30
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/onekey/bluepill
handwired/onekey/bluepill - 393f4b94e9a0fbc9cd00de1acde346ad72250b4a
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/onekey/stm32f0_disco
handwired/onekey/stm32f0_disco - d827881f9bed09fd41c7c4e9d066e96b6643a099
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/onekey/teensy_32
handwired/onekey/teensy_32 - dd90f6c823da80ba43afa41249a2bdbbab98b04c
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/onekey/teensy_lc
handwired/onekey/teensy_lc - 34596f2eeb62403cce532d20cf893ebd77fe2d05
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/pill60/blackpill_f401
handwired/pill60/blackpill_f401 - 20bbccb5058085076357f4fa956eede2c0af86e8
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/pill60/blackpill_f411
handwired/pill60/blackpill_f411 - e03a4c3ec3b9ba65b8067126a039a8eb2cd10e51
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/pill60/bluepill
handwired/pill60/bluepill - 2fb721fb4376cde2067eed1c0c8acbf3bf5851c3
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/riblee_f401
handwired/riblee_f401 - 2823cd98d64c91b146dae343a32176d51772952b
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/riblee_f411
handwired/riblee_f411 - 5cf7589c9a11c4ed14e7d28676ac836fbb07d013
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/sono1
handwired/sono1 - d972acee03efb4917fc42f7d72c0a416b67ebd4a
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/t111
handwired/t111 - f947c1d59025fe04e7d7b999d80e20277be4366c
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/twadlee/tp69
handwired/twadlee/tp69 - 48ab62464ba1f2651f4468cbec7c6058e3b8c158
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for handwired/z150
handwired/z150 - 35e85696845e965d7f2dcdb372ed20c17d42c2bb
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for hub20
hub20 - f094036a182169b5a73f89f09f2ccaa3e5fc9e7e
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for iron180
iron180 - 5efb6f21c848b3c964795d9debddceac7628933d
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for jm60
jm60 - dbbdbe8b27b3c1d0a25981b2f75728d163d5d299
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for keebio/bdn9/rev2
keebio/bdn9/rev2 - 0031632523dddfc8f7b3a02cf9c5990ebbb3856d
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for keebio/choconum
keebio/choconum - 4484ef6936a497610ca5ae4d378bc07b2bc1b1c7
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for matrix/m20add
matrix/m20add - 6068aeff5b14c26de8838180f4397800abe9f1aa
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for matrix/noah
matrix/noah - fcde175fb1d3f5bf0716ac5a880c2cc9ab4bbf7f
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for misterknife/knife66
misterknife/knife66 - e7f3ceffb94fb8e680da2af27fa7cb1a0a52b699
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for misterknife/knife66_iso
misterknife/knife66_iso - ee027db939c098f908f70f02ffa9cc3952139f70
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for nebula12
nebula12 - 2f3a25b6675dcd0fabe75e7bb63038d3cac19610
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for nemui
nemui - 4030faa372512f766fd747876cb28176302453f9
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for nibiria/stream15
nibiria/stream15 - fd7b09affa208403099ef9bff1b756fac0d4f918
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for nightingale_studios/hailey
nightingale_studios/hailey - 496a44b2f789cc59a6110c7c1c41d57e59c722be
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for planck/rev6
planck/rev6 - 6fb8f0bc21b4ab774ce3d339fdf6f25d96059f10
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for primekb/meridian
primekb/meridian - 8021ed99e8bdf92faab806780186cc924dd59e50
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for projectkb/alice
projectkb/alice - ad7678d475a14c54f28b62d1c1b15f5b4c4448bc
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for projectkb/signature87
projectkb/signature87 - de61338b0a5c477f39c000df8117dd3017c2643d
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for ramonimbao/squishy65
ramonimbao/squishy65 - 2ea1a8b18c39d0e193bbbf5836191874d3aafc53
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for ramonimbao/wete
ramonimbao/wete - a80b3b309f06566adcdf20234d81c1d5aa599b00
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for rart/rartlice
rart/rartlice - c8c80c302428d62bb8b08e3185509a233a94f5f0
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for retro_75
retro_75 - 7434e266bba43ded8ca1ff75d77faa506473ca91
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for rocketboard_16
rocketboard_16 - 1182a8730a84b58eba5a470286b6db6134d36f54
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for satt/vision
satt/vision - c85a28a8d7e321511a17a7e7084d0a7876d1779a
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for technika
technika - 7c59de348f0ec5f6ac9e260806a87aaf16fbafa2
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for tkc/godspeed75
tkc/godspeed75 - e447b39dca393736fbf289049699d5b4748bb8c6
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for tkw/stoutgat/v2/f411
tkw/stoutgat/v2/f411 - 58e9b909379ad107affbff0508e3923264b75426
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for viktus/styrka
viktus/styrka - 36bf0921be79a8b037fdc25343584574a312be60
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for westfoxtrot/prophet
westfoxtrot/prophet - 80036c8f986c8d3261d6b0748d2057eccab6430b
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for whitefox
whitefox - c9eccac0196c3e2e2ea6c90d3036283a3eabff2c
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for wolfmarkclub/wm1
wolfmarkclub/wm1 - 0d22a426255b829a7805bd6a3ff927198b1e31b4
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for xelus/kangaroo
xelus/kangaroo - fdb1ffb66f4841f662e968929f058d4fd403c97e
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for xelus/trinityxttkl
xelus/trinityxttkl - a9641e5b39b7bb38351b9109f0f381837b2e8e79
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for xelus/valor_frl_tkl
xelus/valor_frl_tkl - 6c3b577852736a68727ec319c30712b3088e65cd
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for xiaomi/mk02
xiaomi/mk02 - 4c1406ebfee73551a844ef7ab29fc5788d7e875c
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for zoo/wampus
zoo/wampus - 930c903e85478e220a235f45593c03512c66bc2a
* ChibiOS conf upgrade for zvecr/split_blackpill
zvecr/split_blackpill - c0e3e1583262e4cb0ebfe2efa6356ed6c5c957ca
2021-01-21 17:00:53 +11:00