Fork 0

273 lines
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"""This script automates the creation of new keyboard directories using a starter template.
import re
import json
import shutil
from datetime import date
from pathlib import Path
from dotty_dict import dotty
from milc import cli
from milc.questions import choice, question, yesno
from qmk.git import git_get_username
from qmk.json_schema import load_jsonschema
from qmk.path import keyboard
from qmk.json_encoders import InfoJSONEncoder
from qmk.json_schema import deep_update
from qmk.constants import MCU2BOOTLOADER, QMK_FIRMWARE
COMMUNITY = Path('layouts/default/')
TEMPLATE = Path('data/templates/keyboard/')
# defaults
schema = dotty(load_jsonschema('keyboard'))
mcu_types = sorted(schema["properties.processor.enum"], key=str.casefold)
dev_boards = sorted(schema["properties.development_board.enum"], key=str.casefold)
available_layouts = sorted([x.name for x in COMMUNITY.iterdir() if x.is_dir()])
def mcu_type(mcu):
"""Callable for argparse validation.
if mcu not in (dev_boards + mcu_types):
raise ValueError
return mcu
def layout_type(layout):
"""Callable for argparse validation.
if layout not in available_layouts:
raise ValueError
return layout
def keyboard_name(name):
"""Callable for argparse validation.
if not validate_keyboard_name(name):
raise ValueError
return name
def validate_keyboard_name(name):
"""Returns True if the given keyboard name contains only lowercase a-z, 0-9 and underscore characters.
regex = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9/_]+$')
return bool(regex.match(name))
def select_default_bootloader(mcu):
"""Provide sane defaults for bootloader
return MCU2BOOTLOADER.get(mcu, "custom")
def replace_placeholders(src, dest, tokens):
"""Replaces the given placeholders in each template file.
content = src.read_text()
for key, value in tokens.items():
content = content.replace(f'%{key}%', value)
def replace_string(src, token, value):
src.write_text(src.read_text().replace(token, value))
def augment_community_info(config, src, dest):
"""Splice in any additional data into info.json
info = json.loads(src.read_text())
template = json.loads(dest.read_text())
# merge community with template
deep_update(info, template)
deep_update(info, config)
# avoid assumptions on macro name by using the first available
first_layout = next(iter(info["layouts"].values()))["layout"]
# guess at width and height now its optional
width, height = (0, 0)
for item in first_layout:
width = max(width, int(item["x"]) + 1)
height = max(height, int(item["y"]) + 1)
info["matrix_pins"] = {
"cols": ["C2"] * width,
"rows": ["D1"] * height,
# assume a 1:1 mapping on matrix to electrical
for item in first_layout:
item["matrix"] = [int(item["y"]), int(item["x"])]
# finally write out the updated json
dest.write_text(json.dumps(info, cls=InfoJSONEncoder, sort_keys=True))
def _question(*args, **kwargs):
"""Ugly workaround until 'milc' learns to display a repromt msg
# TODO: Remove this once milc.questions.question handles reprompt messages
reprompt = kwargs["reprompt"]
del kwargs["reprompt"]
validate = kwargs["validate"]
del kwargs["validate"]
prompt = args[0]
ret = None
while not ret:
ret = question(prompt, **kwargs)
if not validate(ret):
ret = None
prompt = reprompt
return ret
def prompt_heading_subheading(heading, subheading):
def prompt_keyboard():
prompt_heading_subheading("Name Your Keyboard Project", """For more information, see:
errmsg = 'Keyboard already exists! Please choose a different name:'
return _question("Keyboard Name?", reprompt=errmsg, validate=lambda x: not keyboard(x).exists())
def prompt_user():
prompt_heading_subheading("Attribution", "Used for maintainer, copyright, etc.")
return question("Your GitHub Username?", default=git_get_username())
def prompt_name(def_name):
prompt_heading_subheading("More Attribution", "Used for maintainer, copyright, etc.")
return question("Your Real Name?", default=def_name)
def prompt_layout():
prompt_heading_subheading("Pick Base Layout", """As a starting point, one of the common layouts can be used to
bootstrap the process""")
# avoid overwhelming user - remove some?
filtered_layouts = [x for x in available_layouts if not any(xs in x for xs in ['_split', '_blocker', '_tsangan', '_f13'])]
filtered_layouts.append("none of the above")
return choice("Default Layout?", filtered_layouts, default=len(filtered_layouts) - 1)
def prompt_mcu_type():
"What Powers Your Project", """Is your board using a separate development board, such as a Pro Micro,
or is the microcontroller integrated onto the PCB?
For more information, see:
return yesno("Using a Development Board?")
def prompt_dev_board():
prompt_heading_subheading("Select Development Board", """For more information, see:
return choice("Development Board?", dev_boards, default=dev_boards.index("promicro"))
def prompt_mcu():
prompt_heading_subheading("Select Microcontroller", """For more information, see:
# remove any options strictly used for compatibility
filtered_mcu = [x for x in mcu_types if not any(xs in x for xs in ['cortex', 'unknown'])]
return choice("Microcontroller?", filtered_mcu, default=filtered_mcu.index("atmega32u4"))
@cli.argument('-kb', '--keyboard', help='Specify the name for the new keyboard directory', arg_only=True, type=keyboard_name)
@cli.argument('-l', '--layout', help='Community layout to bootstrap with', arg_only=True, type=layout_type)
@cli.argument('-t', '--type', help='Specify the keyboard MCU type (or "development_board" preset)', arg_only=True, type=mcu_type)
@cli.argument('-u', '--username', help='Specify your username (default from Git config)', dest='name')
@cli.argument('-n', '--realname', help='Specify your real name if you want to use that. Defaults to username', arg_only=True)
@cli.subcommand('Creates a new keyboard directory')
def new_keyboard(cli):
"""Creates a new keyboard.
cli.log.info('{style_bright}Generating a new QMK keyboard directory{style_normal}')
kb_name = cli.args.keyboard if cli.args.keyboard else prompt_keyboard()
if not validate_keyboard_name(kb_name):
cli.log.error('Keyboard names must contain only {fg_cyan}lowercase a-z{fg_reset}, {fg_cyan}0-9{fg_reset}, and {fg_cyan}_{fg_reset}! Please choose a different name.')
return 1
if keyboard(kb_name).exists():
cli.log.error(f'Keyboard {{fg_cyan}}{kb_name}{{fg_reset}} already exists! Please choose a different name.')
return 1
user_name = cli.config.new_keyboard.name if cli.config.new_keyboard.name else prompt_user()
real_name = cli.args.realname or cli.config.new_keyboard.name if cli.args.realname or cli.config.new_keyboard.name else prompt_name(user_name)
default_layout = cli.args.layout if cli.args.layout else prompt_layout()
if cli.args.type:
mcu = cli.args.type
mcu = prompt_dev_board() if prompt_mcu_type() else prompt_mcu()
config = {}
if mcu in dev_boards:
config['development_board'] = mcu
config['processor'] = mcu
config['bootloader'] = select_default_bootloader(mcu)
detach_layout = False
if default_layout == 'none of the above':
default_layout = "ortho_4x4"
detach_layout = True
tokens = { # Comment here is to force multiline formatting
'YEAR': str(date.today().year),
'KEYBOARD': kb_name,
'USER_NAME': user_name,
'REAL_NAME': real_name
# begin with making the deepest folder in the tree
keymaps_path = keyboard(kb_name) / 'keymaps/'
# copy in keymap.c or keymap.json
community_keymap = Path(COMMUNITY / f'{default_layout}/default_{default_layout}/')
shutil.copytree(community_keymap, keymaps_path / 'default')
# process template files
for file in list(TEMPLATE.iterdir()):
replace_placeholders(file, keyboard(kb_name) / file.name, tokens)
# merge in infos
community_info = Path(COMMUNITY / f'{default_layout}/info.json')
augment_community_info(config, community_info, keyboard(kb_name) / 'keyboard.json')
# detach community layout and rename to just "LAYOUT"
if detach_layout:
replace_string(keyboard(kb_name) / 'keyboard.json', 'LAYOUT_ortho_4x4', 'LAYOUT')
replace_string(keymaps_path / 'default/keymap.c', 'LAYOUT_ortho_4x4', 'LAYOUT')
cli.log.info(f'{{fg_green}}Created a new keyboard called {{fg_cyan}}{kb_name}{{fg_green}}.{{fg_reset}}')
cli.log.info(f"Build Command: {{fg_yellow}}qmk compile -kb {kb_name} -km default{{fg_reset}}.")
cli.log.info(f'Project Location: {{fg_cyan}}{QMK_FIRMWARE}/{keyboard(kb_name)}{{fg_reset}}.')
cli.log.info("{fg_yellow}Now update the config files to match the hardware!{fg_reset}")