Fork 0
2022-09-23 22:46:23 +10:00
config.h Change DRIVER_LED_COUNT to {LED,RGB}_MATRIX_LED_COUNT (#18399) 2022-09-23 22:46:23 +10:00
keymap.c Change DRIVER_LED_COUNT to {LED,RGB}_MATRIX_LED_COUNT (#18399) 2022-09-23 22:46:23 +10:00

Kprepublic BM40HSRGB Coffee

A layout that aims to be familiar to people that have used larger boards

The layout

The primary layer ( _MAIN ) is as close to standard qwerty as I could get.

esc  |  q   |  w   |   e   |  r   |  t   | y   | u    | i    | o    | p  | bksp
tab  |  a   |  s   |   d   |  f   |  g   | h   | j    | k    | l    | ;  | '
shft |  z   |  x   |   c   |  v   |  b   | n   | m    | ,    | .    | /  | rtrn
ctrl | win  |      |  alt  | SUB  |     spc    | CTR  | lft  | dwn  | up | rght

The secondary layer ( _SUB ) is for syntax, F keys, and number keys

grv |   1   |  2   |  3    | 4    | 5    | 6   | 7    | 8    | 9    | 0  | del
    |   F1  |  F2  |  F3   | F4   | F5   | F6  | -    | =    | [    | ]  | pgup
 _  |   F7  |  F8  |  F9   | F10  | F11  | F12 |      |      |      | \  | pgdn
 _  |   _   |      |  _    | _    |      _     | _    |      |      |    |

The control layer ( _CTR ) is for lighting, media, and macros

    | SPD-  | BRI+ | SPD+  | HUE+ | SAT+ |     |      | VOL+ |      |    | MCR_REC
    | EFCT- | BRI- | EFCT+ | HUE- | SAT- |     | PREV | PLAY | NEXT |    | MCR_PLY
    |       | TOG  |       |      |      |     |      | VOL- |      |    | MCR_SWT
    |       |      |       |      |      _     |      |      |      |    |
Key name Explanation
_ Passthrough the key on the layer below
SUB Goes to _SUB layer while held down
CTR Goes to _CTR layer while held down
SPD +/- Changes speed for the RGB effect
BRI +/- Changes the brightness of the lighting
EFCT +/- Moves to the next/previous effect
TOG Toggles the lighting on or off
HUE +/- Changes the hue for RGB effects
SAT +/- Changes the saturation for RGB effects
MSE Toggles the Mouse layer
VOL +/- Raises or lowers media volume
PREV Goes to previous media
PLAY Play/Pause media
NEXT Goes to next media
MCR_REC Record macro ( Press again to stop )
MCR_PLY Play recorded macro
MCR_SWT Switch active macro


Compiling: make kprepublic/bm40hsrgb:coffee

Flashing: make kprepublic/bm40hsrgb:coffee:flash