// Copyright 2022 @sadekbaroudi (Sadek Baroudi) // Copyright 2023 @jasonhazel (Jason Hazel) // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "matrix.h" #include <string.h> #include "spi_master.h" #include "debug.h" #include "wait.h" #if (!defined(SHIFTREG_MATRIX_COL_CS)) # error Missing shift register I/O pin definitions #endif int matrixArraySize = SHIFTREG_ROWS * sizeof(matrix_row_t); matrix_row_t oldMatrix[SHIFTREG_ROWS]; #define SHIFTREG_OUTPUT_BITS 8 pin_t rowPinsSR[SHIFTREG_ROWS] = MATRIX_ROW_PINS_SR; // semaphore to make sure SPI doesn't get called multiple times static bool shiftRegisterSPILocked = false; void semaphore_lock(bool value) { shiftRegisterSPILocked = value; } bool semaphore_is_locked(void) { return shiftRegisterSPILocked; } void sr_74hc595_spi_stop(void) { spi_stop(); semaphore_lock(false); } bool sr_74hc595_spi_start(void) { if (!spi_start(SHIFTREG_MATRIX_COL_CS, false, 0, SHIFTREG_DIVISOR)) { dprintf("74hc595 matrix: failed to start spi\n"); sr_74hc595_spi_stop(); return false; } semaphore_lock(true); wait_us(1); // not sure if I need this return true; } bool sr_74hc595_spi_send_byte(uint8_t data) { sr_74hc595_spi_start(); gpio_write_pin_low(SHIFTREG_MATRIX_COL_CS); matrix_io_delay(); spi_write(data); matrix_io_delay(); gpio_write_pin_high(SHIFTREG_MATRIX_COL_CS); sr_74hc595_spi_stop(); return true; } /** * Set the entire shift register to be full of inactive bits */ void clearColumns(void) { uint8_t value = 0b00000000; sr_74hc595_spi_send_byte(value); } void setColumn(int columnShift, bool test_run) { uint8_t columnShiftByte = ((uint8_t)1 << columnShift); if(test_run) { dprintf("byte sent: %d\n", columnShiftByte); } sr_74hc595_spi_send_byte(columnShiftByte); } /* * override of the qmk intialization function */ void matrix_init_custom(void) { wait_ms(300); spi_init(); // Set up the initial states for all the row pins for (int r = 0; r < SHIFTREG_ROWS; r++) { // Note: This needs to use the internal pull down resistors, and atmegas do *not* support that gpio_set_pin_input_low(rowPinsSR[r]); } // Set the CS to low by default, and specify as an output pin gpio_write_pin_high(SHIFTREG_MATRIX_COL_CS); // should be high when using SPI? gpio_set_pin_output(SHIFTREG_MATRIX_COL_CS); // Since it's the init, deactivate all the columns. We'll activate once we get to the matrix scan clearColumns(); } bool matrix_scan_custom(matrix_row_t current_matrix[]) { // respect the semaphore if (semaphore_is_locked()) { return false; } // Keep track of if something was modified bool matrix_has_changed = false; // reset the current matrix, as we'll be updating and comparing to the old matrix memset(current_matrix, 0, matrixArraySize); bool debug_output = false; // Loop through the columns, activating one at a time, and read the rows, and place in the new current_matrix for (int c = 0; c < SHIFTREG_COLS; c++) { if (debug_output) { dprintf("column iteration: %d\n", c); } setColumn(c, debug_output); matrix_io_delay(); for (int r = 0; r < SHIFTREG_ROWS; r++) { current_matrix[r] |= ((gpio_read_pin(rowPinsSR[r]) ? 1 : 0) << c); } } matrix_has_changed = memcmp(current_matrix, oldMatrix, matrixArraySize) != 0; memcpy(oldMatrix, current_matrix, matrixArraySize); if (matrix_has_changed) { matrix_print(); } // Deactivate all the columns for the next run. clearColumns(); matrix_io_delay(); return matrix_has_changed; }