/* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * <https://github.com/XScorpion2> wrote this file. As long as you retain this * notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and * you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Ryan Caltabiano * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "i2c_master.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "touch_encoder.h" #include "print.h" #include "wait.h" #include "timer.h" // for memcpy #include <string.h> #include <transactions.h> #define I2C_ADDRESS 0x1C #define CALIBRATION_BIT 0x80 #define OVERFLOW_BIT 0x40 #define SLIDER_BIT 0x02 #ifndef TOUCH_UPDATE_INTERVAL # define TOUCH_UPDATE_INTERVAL 33 #endif enum { // QT2120 registers QT_CHIP_ID = 0, QT_FIRMWARE_VERSION, QT_DETECTION_STATUS, QT_KEY_STATUS, QT_SLIDER_POSITION = 5, QT_CALIBRATE, QT_RESET, QT_LP, QT_TTD, QT_ATD, QT_DI, QT_TRD, QT_DHT, QT_SLIDER_OPTION, QT_CHARDE_TIME, QT_KEY0_DTHR, QT_KEY1_DTHR, QT_KEY2_DTHR, QT_KEY3_DTHR, QT_KEY4_DTHR, QT_KEY5_DTHR, QT_KEY6_DTHR, QT_KEY7_DTHR, QT_KEY8_DTHR, QT_KEY9_DTHR, QT_KEY10_DTHR, QT_KEY11_DTHR, QT_KEY0_CTRL, QT_KEY1_CTRL, QT_KEY2_CTRL, QT_KEY3_CTRL, QT_KEY4_CTRL, QT_KEY5_CTRL, QT_KEY6_CTRL, QT_KEY7_CTRL, QT_KEY8_CTRL, QT_KEY9_CTRL, QT_KEY10_CTRL, QT_KEY11_CTRL, QT_KEY0_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY1_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY2_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY3_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY4_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY5_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY6_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY7_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY8_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY9_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY10_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY11_PULSE_SCALE, QT_KEY0_SIGNAL, QT_KEY1_SIGNAL = 54, QT_KEY2_SIGNAL = 56, QT_KEY3_SIGNAL = 58, QT_KEY4_SIGNAL = 60, QT_KEY5_SIGNAL = 62, QT_KEY6_SIGNAL = 64, QT_KEY7_SIGNAL = 66, QT_KEY8_SIGNAL = 68, QT_KEY9_SIGNAL = 70, QT_KEY10_SIGNAL = 72, QT_KEY11_SIGNAL = 74, QT_KEY0_REFERENCE = 76, QT_KEY1_REFERENCE = 78, QT_KEY2_REFERENCE = 80, QT_KEY3_REFERENCE = 82, QT_KEY4_REFERENCE = 84, QT_KEY5_REFERENCE = 86, QT_KEY6_REFERENCE = 88, QT_KEY7_REFERENCE = 90, QT_KEY8_REFERENCE = 92, QT_KEY9_REFERENCE = 94, QT_KEY10_REFERENCE = 96, QT_KEY11_REFERENCE = 98, }; bool touch_initialized = false; bool touch_disabled = false; uint8_t touch_handness = 0; // touch_raw & touch_processed store the Detection Status, Key Status (x2), and Slider Position values uint8_t touch_raw[4] = { 0 }; uint8_t touch_processed[4] = { 0 }; uint16_t touch_timer = 0; uint16_t touch_update_timer = 0; // For split transport only typedef struct { uint8_t position; uint8_t taps; } slave_touch_status_t; bool touch_slave_init = false; slave_touch_status_t touch_slave_state = { 0, 0 }; static bool write_register8(uint8_t address, uint8_t data) { i2c_status_t status = i2c_writeReg((I2C_ADDRESS << 1), address, &data, sizeof(data), I2C_TIMEOUT); if (status != I2C_STATUS_SUCCESS) { xprintf("write_register8 %d failed %d\n", address, status); } return status == I2C_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static bool read_register(uint8_t address, uint8_t* data, uint16_t length) { i2c_status_t status = i2c_readReg((I2C_ADDRESS << 1), address, data, length, I2C_TIMEOUT); if (status != I2C_STATUS_SUCCESS) { xprintf("read_register %d failed %d\n", address, status); return false; } return true; } void touch_encoder_init(void) { i2c_init(); touch_handness = is_keyboard_left() ? 0 : 1; // Set QT to slider mode touch_initialized = write_register8(QT_SLIDER_OPTION, 0x80); touch_initialized &= write_register8(QT_TTD, 4); // Toward Drift - 20 @ 3.2s touch_initialized &= write_register8(QT_ATD, 1); // Away Drift - 5 @ 0.8s touch_initialized &= write_register8(QT_DI, 4); // Detection Integrator - 4 touch_initialized &= write_register8(QT_TRD, 0); // Touch Recall - 48 touch_encoder_calibrate(); } __attribute__((weak)) bool touch_encoder_tapped_kb(uint8_t index, uint8_t section) { return touch_encoder_tapped_user(index, section); } __attribute__((weak)) bool touch_encoder_update_kb(uint8_t index, bool clockwise) { return touch_encoder_update_user(index, clockwise); } __attribute__((weak)) bool touch_encoder_tapped_user(uint8_t index, uint8_t section) { return true; } __attribute__((weak)) bool touch_encoder_update_user(uint8_t index, bool clockwise) { return true; } static void touch_encoder_update_tapped(void) { // Started touching, being counter for TOUCH_TERM if (touch_processed[0] & SLIDER_BIT) { touch_timer = timer_read() + TOUCH_TERM; return; } // Touch held too long, bail if (timer_expired(timer_read(), touch_timer)) return; uint8_t section = touch_processed[3] / (UINT8_MAX / TOUCH_SEGMENTS + 1); xprintf("tap %d %d\n", touch_handness, section); if (is_keyboard_master()) { if (!touch_disabled) { touch_encoder_tapped_kb(touch_handness, section); } } else { touch_slave_state.taps ^= (1 << section); } } static void touch_encoder_update_position_common(uint8_t* position, uint8_t raw, uint8_t index) { int8_t delta = (*position - raw) / TOUCH_RESOLUTION; bool clockwise = raw > *position; if (delta == 0) return; // Don't store raw directly, as we want to ensure any remainder is kept and used next time this is called *position -= delta * TOUCH_RESOLUTION; xprintf("pos %d %d\n", index, raw); //uint8_t u_delta = delta < 0 ? -delta : delta; if (!touch_disabled) { //for (uint8_t i = 0; i < u_delta; i++) touch_encoder_update_kb(index, clockwise); } } static void touch_encoder_update_position(void) { // If the user touchs and moves enough, expire touch_timer faster and do encoder position logic instead if (!timer_expired(timer_read(), touch_timer)) { if ((uint8_t)(touch_raw[3] - touch_processed[3]) <= TOUCH_DEADZONE) return; touch_timer = timer_read(); } if (is_keyboard_master()) { touch_encoder_update_position_common(&touch_processed[3], touch_raw[3], touch_handness); } else { touch_slave_state.position = touch_raw[3]; } } void touch_encoder_update_slave(slave_touch_status_t slave_state) { if (!touch_slave_init) { touch_slave_state = slave_state; touch_slave_init = true; return; } if (touch_slave_state.position != slave_state.position) { // Did a new slide event start? uint8_t mask = (1 << 7); if ((touch_slave_state.taps & mask) != (slave_state.taps & mask)) { touch_slave_state.position = slave_state.position; } touch_encoder_update_position_common(&touch_slave_state.position, slave_state.position, !touch_handness); } if (touch_slave_state.taps != slave_state.taps) { if (!touch_disabled) { for (uint8_t section = 0; section < TOUCH_SEGMENTS; section++) { uint8_t mask = (1 << section); if ((touch_slave_state.taps & mask) != (slave_state.taps & mask)) { xprintf("tap %d %d\n", !touch_handness, section); touch_encoder_tapped_kb(!touch_handness, section); } } } touch_slave_state.taps = slave_state.taps; } } void touch_encoder_update(int8_t transaction_id) { if (!touch_initialized) return; #if TOUCH_UPDATE_INTERVAL > 0 if (!timer_expired(timer_read(), touch_update_timer)) return; touch_update_timer = timer_read() + TOUCH_UPDATE_INTERVAL; #endif read_register(QT_DETECTION_STATUS, &touch_raw[0], sizeof(touch_raw)); touch_processed[1] = touch_raw[1]; touch_processed[2] = touch_raw[2]; if (touch_raw[0] != touch_processed[0]) { uint8_t delta = touch_raw[0] ^ touch_processed[0]; touch_processed[0] = touch_raw[0]; // When calibrating, normal sensor behavior is supended if (delta & CALIBRATION_BIT) { xprintf("calibration %d\n", touch_processed[0] >> 7 & 1); } if (delta & OVERFLOW_BIT) { xprintf("overflow %d\n", touch_processed[0] >> 6 & 1); } if (delta & SLIDER_BIT) { touch_processed[3] = touch_raw[3]; if (!is_keyboard_master()) { touch_slave_state.position = touch_raw[3]; touch_slave_state.taps ^= (1 << 7); } touch_encoder_update_tapped(); } } if ((touch_raw[0] & SLIDER_BIT) && touch_processed[3] != touch_raw[3]) { touch_encoder_update_position(); } if (is_keyboard_master()) { slave_touch_status_t slave_state; if (transaction_rpc_exec(transaction_id, sizeof(bool), &touch_disabled, sizeof(slave_touch_status_t), &slave_state)) { if (memcmp(&touch_slave_state, &slave_state, sizeof(slave_touch_status_t))) touch_encoder_update_slave(slave_state); } } } void touch_encoder_calibrate(void) { if (!touch_initialized) return; write_register8(QT_CALIBRATE, 0x01); } bool touch_encoder_is_calibrating(void) { return touch_raw[0] & CALIBRATION_BIT; } void touch_encoder_toggle(void) { touch_disabled = !touch_disabled; } bool touch_encoder_is_on(void) { return !touch_disabled; } void touch_encoder_slave_sync(uint8_t initiator2target_buffer_size, const void* initiator2target_buffer, uint8_t target2initiator_buffer_size, void* target2initiator_buffer) { touch_disabled = *(bool*)initiator2target_buffer; memcpy(target2initiator_buffer, &touch_slave_state, sizeof(slave_touch_status_t)); }