"""This script automates the copying of the default keymap into your own keymap. """ import re import shutil from milc import cli from milc.questions import question from qmk.constants import HAS_QMK_USERSPACE, QMK_USERSPACE from qmk.path import is_keyboard, keymaps, keymap from qmk.git import git_get_username from qmk.decorators import automagic_keyboard, automagic_keymap from qmk.keyboard import keyboard_completer, keyboard_folder from qmk.userspace import UserspaceDefs def validate_keymap_name(name): """Returns True if the given keymap name contains only a-z, 0-9 and underscore characters. """ regex = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$') return bool(regex.match(name)) def prompt_keyboard(): prompt = """{fg_yellow}Select Keyboard{style_reset_all} If you're unsure you can view a full list of supported keyboards with {fg_yellow}qmk list-keyboards{style_reset_all}. Keyboard Name? """ return question(prompt) def prompt_user(): prompt = """ {fg_yellow}Name Your Keymap{style_reset_all} Keymap name? """ return question(prompt, default=git_get_username()) @cli.argument('-kb', '--keyboard', type=keyboard_folder, completer=keyboard_completer, help='Specify keyboard name. Example: 1upkeyboards/1up60hse') @cli.argument('-km', '--keymap', help='Specify the name for the new keymap directory') @cli.subcommand('Creates a new keymap for the keyboard of your choosing') @automagic_keyboard @automagic_keymap def new_keymap(cli): """Creates a new keymap for the keyboard of your choosing. """ cli.log.info('{style_bright}Generating a new keymap{style_normal}') cli.echo('') # ask for user input if keyboard or keymap was not provided in the command line kb_name = cli.config.new_keymap.keyboard if cli.config.new_keymap.keyboard else prompt_keyboard() user_name = cli.config.new_keymap.keymap if cli.config.new_keymap.keymap else prompt_user() # check directories if not is_keyboard(kb_name): cli.log.error(f'Keyboard {{fg_cyan}}{kb_name}{{fg_reset}} does not exist! Please choose a valid name.') return False # generate keymap paths keymaps_dirs = keymaps(kb_name) keymap_path_default = keymap(kb_name, 'default') keymap_path_new = keymaps_dirs[0] / user_name if not keymap_path_default.exists(): cli.log.error(f'Default keymap {{fg_cyan}}{keymap_path_default}{{fg_reset}} does not exist!') return False if not validate_keymap_name(user_name): cli.log.error('Keymap names must contain only {fg_cyan}a-z{fg_reset}, {fg_cyan}0-9{fg_reset} and {fg_cyan}_{fg_reset}! Please choose a different name.') return False if keymap_path_new.exists(): cli.log.error(f'Keymap {{fg_cyan}}{user_name}{{fg_reset}} already exists! Please choose a different name.') return False # create user directory with default keymap files shutil.copytree(keymap_path_default, keymap_path_new, symlinks=True) # end message to user cli.log.info(f'{{fg_green}}Created a new keymap called {{fg_cyan}}{user_name}{{fg_green}} in: {{fg_cyan}}{keymap_path_new}.{{fg_reset}}') cli.log.info(f"Compile a firmware with your new keymap by typing: {{fg_yellow}}qmk compile -kb {kb_name} -km {user_name}{{fg_reset}}.") # Add to userspace compile if we have userspace available if HAS_QMK_USERSPACE: userspace = UserspaceDefs(QMK_USERSPACE / 'qmk.json') userspace.add_target(keyboard=kb_name, keymap=user_name, do_print=False) return userspace.save()