2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
import json
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
import layout
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
import os
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
import re
def gen_uc_iter():
length = len(layout.uc_dict)
2019-04-30 06:35:34 +02:00
for key, value in sorted(layout.uc_dict.items()):
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
length -= 1
if length:
yield (key, value, False)
yield (key, value, True)
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
def _translate(s):
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
if re.match("^[0-9]$", s):
return ("KC_{0}".format(s), " {0} ".format(s))
elif re.match("^[a-z]$", s):
return ("KC_{0}".format(s.upper()), " {0} ".format(s))
elif re.match("^[A-Z]$", s):
return ("S(KC_{0})".format(s), " {0} ".format(s))
elif re.match("^F[0-9]{1,2}$", s): # Fn, works from F0 to F99
return ("KC_{0}".format(s), "{0:^7}".format(s))
elif re.match("^DF[0-9]{1,2}$", s): # DFn, works from DF0 to DF99
return ("DF({0})".format(s[2:]), "{0:^7}".format(s))
elif re.match("^MO[0-9]{1,2}$", s): # MOn, works from MO0 to MO99
return ("MO({0})".format(s[2:]), "{0:^7}".format(s))
elif re.match("^OSL[0-9]{1,2}$", s): # OSLn, works from OSL0 to OSL99
return ("OSL({0})".format(s[3:]), "{0:^7}".format(s))
elif re.match("^TG[0-9]{1,2}$", s): # TGn, works from TG0 to TG99
return ("TG({0})".format(s[2:]), "{0:^7}".format(s))
elif re.match("^TO[0-9]{1,2}$", s): # Tn, works from TO0 to TO99
return ("TO({0})".format(s[2:]), "{0:^7}".format(s))
elif re.match("^TT[0-9]{1,2}$", s): # Tn, works from TT0 to TT99
return ("TT({0})".format(s[2:]), "{0:^7}".format(s))
elif s in layout.uc_dict:
2023-06-02 02:25:08 +10:00
return ("UM("+s+")", " {0} ".format(chr(int(layout.uc_dict[s], 0))))
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
elif s in layout.qmk_dict:
return (layout.qmk_dict[s], "{0:^7}".format(s))
elif s == s.upper() and s.startswith("KC_"):
return (s, "{0:^7}".format(s[2:]))
return ("XXXXXXX", " {0} ".format(chr(128165)))
def toKC(s):
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
return _translate(s)[0]
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
def toLgd(s):
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
return _translate(s)[1]
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
2019-05-08 20:04:32 +02:00
def quoteC(text):
yield "/*"
for line in text:
yield " * " + line
yield " */\n"
def getKeymapText(id, layer, columns, rows):
keymap = []
keymap.append("Layer %d" % id)
keymap.append("------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------")
keymap.append("|{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}| |{6}|{7}|{8}|{9}|{10}|{11}|".format(*map(toLgd, layer[:12])))
keymap.append("------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------")
keymap.append("|{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}| |{6}|{7}|{8}|{9}|{10}|{11}|".format(*map(toLgd, layer[12:24])))
keymap.append("------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------")
keymap.append("|{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}| |{6}|{7}|{8}|{9}|{10}|{11}|".format(*map(toLgd, layer[24:36])))
keymap.append(" {0} {1} {2} |{3}|{4}|{5}|{6}|{7}|{8}| {9} {10} {11}".format(*map(toLgd, layer[36:48])).rstrip())
keymap.append(" -------------------------------------------------")
return keymap
def writeKeymap(f_template, f_keymap, layers, columns, rows):
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
doCopy = False
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
for line in f_template:
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
doCopy = True
if line.startswith("//<enum/>"):
doCopy = False
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
# f_keymap.write(str(layout.uc_dict))
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
for k, v, isLast in gen_uc_iter():
if isLast:
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
f_keymap.write(k + "\n")
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
f_keymap.write(k + ",\n")
elif line.startswith("//<uc_map/>"):
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
doCopy = False
for k, v, isLast in gen_uc_iter():
if isLast:
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
f_keymap.write(u"\t[{0}] = {1} // {2}\n".format(k, v, chr(int(v, 0))))
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
f_keymap.write(u"\t[{0}] = {1}, // {2}\n".format(k, v, chr(int(v, 0))))
elif line.startswith("//<keymaps/>"):
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
doCopy = False
2019-05-08 20:04:32 +02:00
for layer, L in enumerate(layers):
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
r_counter = rows
2019-05-08 20:04:32 +02:00
f_keymap.write('\n'.join(quoteC(getKeymapText(layer, L, columns, rows))))
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
2019-04-20 08:37:19 +02:00
l_code = '\tLAYOUT_ortho_4x12(\n'
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
for r in range(r_counter):
r_counter -= 1
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
c_counter = columns
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
l_code += '\t\t'
for c in range(c_counter):
c_counter -= 1
if c != 0:
l_code += " "
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
l_code += "%s" % toKC(L[r*columns + columns-c_counter-1])
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
if r_counter or c_counter:
l_code += ","
l_code += '\n'
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
if layer + 1 != len(layout.layers):
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
l_code += "\t),\n\n"
l_code += "\t)\n"
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
if doCopy:
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
def getKeymapJSON(keyboard, keymap, layout, layers):
return json.dumps({
'keyboard': keyboard,
'keymap': keymap,
'layout': layout,
'layers': layers
}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
2019-04-08 04:20:09 +02:00
2019-05-08 20:04:32 +02:00
def getKeymapAsciidoc(title, layers, columns, rows):
yield '= ' + title
yield ''
for id, layer in enumerate(layers):
keymap = getKeymapText(id, layer, columns, rows)
if len(keymap):
yield '.' + keymap[0]
yield '--------------------------'
for line in keymap[1:]:
yield ' ' + line
yield '--------------------------'
yield ''
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
def layersToKC(layers):
return [list(map(toKC, layer)) for layer in layers]
def pathToKeymap(path):
head, keymap = os.path.split(path)
_, keymapsdir = os.path.split(head)
if keymapsdir == 'keymaps':
return keymap
def pathToKeyboard(path):
head, keymap = os.path.split(path)
head, keymapsdir = os.path.split(head)
if keymapsdir == 'keymaps':
head, dir = os.path.split(head)
while dir not in ('/', 'keyboards'):
yield dir
head, dir = os.path.split(head)
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open("km_template.txt", mode="r") as f_template:
with open("keymap.c", mode="w", encoding='utf-8') as f_keymap:
2019-05-08 20:04:32 +02:00
writeKeymap(f_template, f_keymap, layout.layers, columns=12, rows=4)
2019-05-01 06:53:29 +02:00
abspath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
keyboard = list(reversed(list(pathToKeyboard(abspath))))
keymap = pathToKeymap(abspath)
keyboard_layout = 'LAYOUT_ortho_4x12'
with open("%s_%s.json" % ('_'.join(keyboard), keymap), mode="w") as f_keymapjson:
2019-05-08 20:04:32 +02:00
with open("keymap.adoc", mode="w") as f_keymapasciidoc:
f_keymapasciidoc.write('\n'.join(getKeymapAsciidoc('Signum 3.0 %s_%s' % ('_'.join(keyboard), keymap), layout.layers, columns=12, rows=4)))
print("Run the following command to generate a PDF from the keymap")
print("a2x -f pdf --xsltproc-opts '--stringparam page.orientation landscape --stringparam body.font.master 12' --fop -v keymap.adoc")