2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
""" This script automates the copying of the default keymap into your own keymap.
import re
import sys
import os
from qmk . constants import QMK_FIRMWARE
from qmk . path import normpath
from milc import cli
def eprint ( * args , * * kwargs ) :
print ( * args , file = sys . stderr , * * kwargs )
2020-12-30 10:27:37 -08:00
file_header = """ \
2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
/ * Copyright 2020 QMK
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : / / www . gnu . org / licenses / > .
* /
/ *
* This file was auto - generated by :
2021-01-20 02:19:36 +11:00
* ` qmk chibios - confmigrate - i { 0 } - r { 1 } `
2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
* /
#pragma once
def collect_defines ( filepath ) :
with open ( filepath , ' r ' ) as f :
content = f . read ( )
define_search = re . compile ( r ' (?m)^# \ s*define \ s+(?:.* \\ \ r? \ n)*.*$ ' , re . MULTILINE )
value_search = re . compile ( r ' ^# \ s*define \ s+(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+( \ ([^ \ )]* \ ))?) \ s*(?P<value>.*) ' , re . DOTALL )
define_matches = define_search . findall ( content )
defines = { " keys " : [ ] , " dict " : { } }
for define_match in define_matches :
value_match = value_search . search ( define_match )
defines [ " keys " ] . append ( value_match . group ( " name " ) )
defines [ " dict " ] [ value_match . group ( " name " ) ] = value_match . group ( " value " )
return defines
def check_diffs ( input_defs , reference_defs ) :
not_present_in_input = [ ]
not_present_in_reference = [ ]
to_override = [ ]
for key in reference_defs [ " keys " ] :
if key not in input_defs [ " dict " ] :
not_present_in_input . append ( key )
for key in input_defs [ " keys " ] :
if key not in input_defs [ " dict " ] :
not_present_in_input . append ( key )
for key in input_defs [ " keys " ] :
if key in reference_defs [ " keys " ] and input_defs [ " dict " ] [ key ] != reference_defs [ " dict " ] [ key ] :
to_override . append ( ( key , input_defs [ " dict " ] [ key ] ) )
return ( to_override , not_present_in_input , not_present_in_reference )
def migrate_chconf_h ( to_override , outfile ) :
2020-12-30 10:27:37 -08:00
print ( file_header . format ( cli . args . input . relative_to ( QMK_FIRMWARE ) , cli . args . reference . relative_to ( QMK_FIRMWARE ) ) , file = outfile )
2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
for override in to_override :
print ( " #define %s %s " % ( override [ 0 ] , override [ 1 ] ) , file = outfile )
print ( " " , file = outfile )
print ( " #include_next <chconf.h> \n " , file = outfile )
def migrate_halconf_h ( to_override , outfile ) :
2020-12-30 10:27:37 -08:00
print ( file_header . format ( cli . args . input . relative_to ( QMK_FIRMWARE ) , cli . args . reference . relative_to ( QMK_FIRMWARE ) ) , file = outfile )
2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
for override in to_override :
print ( " #define %s %s " % ( override [ 0 ] , override [ 1 ] ) , file = outfile )
print ( " " , file = outfile )
print ( " #include_next <halconf.h> \n " , file = outfile )
def migrate_mcuconf_h ( to_override , outfile ) :
2020-12-30 10:27:37 -08:00
print ( file_header . format ( cli . args . input . relative_to ( QMK_FIRMWARE ) , cli . args . reference . relative_to ( QMK_FIRMWARE ) ) , file = outfile )
2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
print ( " #include_next <mcuconf.h> \n " , file = outfile )
for override in to_override :
print ( " #undef %s " % ( override [ 0 ] ) , file = outfile )
print ( " #define %s %s " % ( override [ 0 ] , override [ 1 ] ) , file = outfile )
print ( " " , file = outfile )
@cli.argument ( ' -i ' , ' --input ' , type = normpath , arg_only = True , help = ' Specify input config file. ' )
@cli.argument ( ' -r ' , ' --reference ' , type = normpath , arg_only = True , help = ' Specify the reference file to compare against ' )
@cli.argument ( ' -o ' , ' --overwrite ' , arg_only = True , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Overwrites the input file during migration. ' )
@cli.argument ( ' -d ' , ' --delete ' , arg_only = True , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' If the file has no overrides, migration will delete the input file. ' )
2021-01-21 17:00:53 +11:00
@cli.argument ( ' -f ' , ' --force ' , arg_only = True , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Re-migrates an already migrated file, even if it doesn \' t detect a full ChibiOS config. ' )
2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
@cli.subcommand ( ' Generates a migrated ChibiOS configuration file, as a result of comparing the input against a reference ' )
def chibios_confmigrate ( cli ) :
""" Generates a usable ChibiOS replacement configuration file, based on a fully-defined conf and a reference config.
input_defs = collect_defines ( cli . args . input )
reference_defs = collect_defines ( cli . args . reference )
( to_override , not_present_in_input , not_present_in_reference ) = check_diffs ( input_defs , reference_defs )
if len ( not_present_in_input ) > 0 :
eprint ( " Keys not in input, but present inside reference (potential manual migration required): " )
for key in not_present_in_input :
eprint ( " %s " % ( key ) )
if len ( not_present_in_reference ) > 0 :
eprint ( " Keys not in reference, but present inside input (potential manual migration required): " )
for key in not_present_in_reference :
eprint ( " %s " % ( key ) )
if len ( to_override ) == 0 :
eprint ( ' No overrides found! If there were no missing keys above, it should be safe to delete the input file. ' )
if cli . args . delete :
os . remove ( cli . args . input )
else :
eprint ( ' Overrides found: ' )
for override in to_override :
eprint ( " %40s : %s -> %s " % ( override [ 0 ] , reference_defs [ " dict " ] [ override [ 0 ] ] . encode ( ' unicode_escape ' ) . decode ( " utf-8 " ) , override [ 1 ] . encode ( ' unicode_escape ' ) . decode ( " utf-8 " ) ) )
eprint ( ' -------------------------------------- ' )
2021-01-21 17:00:53 +11:00
if cli . args . input . name == " chconf.h " and ( " CHCONF_H " in input_defs [ " dict " ] or " _CHCONF_H_ " in input_defs [ " dict " ] or cli . args . force ) :
2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
migrate_chconf_h ( to_override , outfile = sys . stdout )
if cli . args . overwrite :
with open ( cli . args . input , " w " ) as out_file :
migrate_chconf_h ( to_override , outfile = out_file )
2021-01-21 17:00:53 +11:00
elif cli . args . input . name == " halconf.h " and ( " HALCONF_H " in input_defs [ " dict " ] or " _HALCONF_H_ " in input_defs [ " dict " ] or cli . args . force ) :
2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
migrate_halconf_h ( to_override , outfile = sys . stdout )
if cli . args . overwrite :
with open ( cli . args . input , " w " ) as out_file :
migrate_halconf_h ( to_override , outfile = out_file )
2021-01-21 17:00:53 +11:00
elif cli . args . input . name == " mcuconf.h " and ( " MCUCONF_H " in input_defs [ " dict " ] or " _MCUCONF_H_ " in input_defs [ " dict " ] or cli . args . force ) :
2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
migrate_mcuconf_h ( to_override , outfile = sys . stdout )
if cli . args . overwrite :
with open ( cli . args . input , " w " ) as out_file :
migrate_mcuconf_h ( to_override , outfile = out_file )